Mass Times/Services » Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) Please check the bulletin and the parish calendar for the schedule. All children ages 4-8 are invited to participate. They will experience the Word in an age appropriate language while adults and older children reflect on the Mass in the main sanctuary.

During Mass, children are called to gather at the altar right before the first reading. They then return to their seats during collection of gifts. Parents are welcome to go with their child/ren.  

We are pleased to offer Children's Liturgy of the Word opportunities:
Sunday, December 10 -- LITURGY for children ages 4-8 during 10:30am Mass
Sunday, December 17 -- LITURGY for children ages 4-8 during 10:30am Mass
To find out more and to register, please contact JaneAnne [email protected] or Laura [email protected]
or call the Ascension Parish Center 708-848-2703