Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) Please check the bulletin and the parish calendar for the schedule.During 10:30 am Mass on select Sundays each month, children near the ages of 4-8 years old are joyfully invited to gather to listen and wonder about the Word of God in a way that speaks especially to them. We would love to have your child (and yourself!) join us!
If you attend the 10:30 am Mass at Ascension, please consider having your child participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word when the priest calls the children forward. If you’d like to attend with your child, please know you are always welcome! Often there are parents or older siblings who accompany their children. Know that while you are there, you are encouraged to join in and we’d love to have new volunteers assist with the gentle leading of the group – whether that’s being a lector, helping with the candle procession, or offering a reflection, for example.
To find out more and to register, please contact JaneAnne [email protected] or Laura [email protected]