Minister to others

At Ascension and St. Edmund Parish there are many opportunities to minister to fellow community members. It truly takes a village to support one another through times of grief, challenge and transition. Whether it's bringing communion and praying with a homebound parishioner, offering a prayer shawl to a person who is struggling with illness, or bringing a meal to a growing family, our goal is to be certain all members of our community are supported and cared for.
Join us in supporting our community. Learn more about how you can Minister to Others. Or if you are seeking support during a time of transition or hardship, please reach out. Read more for contact information.
Ministers of Care
Ministers of Care are commissioned by the Archdiocese of Chicago to visit, bring Eucharist and share faith with the sick and homebound in senior residences, nursing homes, hospitals, and in parishioners' homes. Forty to fifty individuals are ministered to on a weekly basis. As part of a parish team, the ministers coordinate a weekend in October when the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is celebrated at all Masses, and an All Souls' Prayer Service in November where we remember all who have died in the past year.
Contact one of the following people to learn more about how to become a Minister of Care or to request for someone to visit a sick parishioner, a homebound family member or a Catholic neighbor. Susie Cahill: [email protected] or Linda Dunne: [email protected].
Angel Cooks
Are you recovering from surgery? Is there a newborn in your house making it impossible to even microwave a meal? Perhaps your neighbor has lost a loved one and could use a home-cooked meal. Angel Cooks is a volunteer program to provide meals to those within the parish community.
To make arrangements for meal delivery - either for yourself or to schedule meals for another member of our community, email [email protected] and we will work with you to schedule a meal. Meals will be provided as many days per week as needed. If you are interested in volunteering to cook for Ascension and St. Edmund families in need, visit our Lotsa Helping Hands Sign Up.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
All are welcome to join our Prayer Shawl Ministry. We gather twice a month and you're welcome to participate from home. We have large quantities of yarn available and patterns are available. Questions? Please email Louise Stevens [email protected]
Members of our Prayer Shawl Ministry have created and prayed over many beautiful pieces to be given to those in need of comfort and solace. If you would like one, they are available at both parish offices at no charge.