Music Ministries » Music


Each Sunday we gather as a Christian community to celebrate the Eucharist. In the liturgical prayer of the church, common song is a means of establishing a bond among members, of expressing that unity of purpose rooted in the waters of baptism. When Christians sing together, they minister to one another; there is mutual support as each person lends a voice to the song of the community and thereby encourages others to do likewise. Through its sung prayer, the assembly joyfully announces the Good News of Christ. Singing is a sign that something important happens when we come together. Yet common song, if it is to be authentic prayer, must be expressive of people truly engaged in communion with God and others. It must come from persons whose hands faithfully carry out the work of God, for unless the Gospel message is lived outside the liturgy, it cannot be truly celebrated within it.
The people who make up our music ministry have as their primary goal, the support and encouragement of the sung prayer of the assembly. The various choirs and ensembles are comprised of individuals committed to this goal. A listing of our choirs and ensembles follow. New members are always welcome. The rehearsal schedules vary to enable more people to be involved in this important ministry of the parish.
We invite you to take a moment and review our choir options.
David Anderson
Director of Pastoral Music and Liturgies - Ascension Campus
(708) 848-2703
Michael Silhavy
Associate Musician and Director of St. Edmund Singers
(708) 848-4417 ext. 2071